A Pleasant Saturday Afternoon

Domingo, 23 de junho de 2024

Hello, how are you?

Yesterday was Saturday, and I worked until 1 PM. Honestly, it felt cruel! During that time, I realized something important: I truly prefer being alone rather than getting involved, even in friendships, with people who don't share the same logic, expectations, or mindset as mine. I've never been a very friendly person, and now I wonder why I even tried to force it at this point in my life. It seems like we sometimes go against our nature, trying to fit in where we clearly don't belong.

Speaking of that, as I mentioned before, the security guard at the café next to the clinic where I work... he's such a cutie! Strong, dark-skinned, with that rugged, handsome face — a real treat. Those who know me, know I have a serious thing for darker guys. Something interesting happened yesterday. I wasn’t planning to dress up much since I figured my platonic crush wouldn't be there (based on my "crazy stalker calculations," haha). So, I just did some basic makeup, and ironically, he was there. That saying, "always be ready because you never know what might happen," turned out to be true. At least I was presentable, and the best part: he came to talk to me. Guys, his smile... perfect. Honestly, he's really handsome.

In the afternoon, I went to a record fair with a friend, my sister, and her son. We talked about everything, especially about what I mentioned in the first paragraph. Also, I was introduced to Heineken long neck. What a wonderful bitter taste! I plan to buy a pack and keep it in the fridge. But back to the point... it's funny how people can be so different, right? Not that I consider myself an introvert — I don’t think I am — but there are things I just don't feel like sharing. Actually, some people aren't even worth the effort of speaking to or wasting my breath on.

Over time, I’ve developed this kind of filter. I think you realize it’s not about being antisocial, it’s about selecting who deserves your energy, your words. And honestly, some people just aren't worth it. It’s not about being rude; it's about self-care.

Anyway, it was a really pleasant afternoon and evening. I got a punk CD, bought a classical music record, met some rock gentlemen, and realized that when I’m 40, I’ll definitely want to date rock guys.

Oh, and I ate grilled queijo coalho with biquinho pepper. It was delicious! Here are some photos from the outing (I'll share them when I can, haha).

Here are some photos from the outing: